NOTE: Make sure you follow all the reservation steps. If you do not immediately receive a confirmation email, it means you did not complete the process!
Reservations are for the entire conference room.
Conference rooms are for use by two or more current UCLA law students at a time. Non-Law Students are not eligible to use Law Library Conference Rooms.
Bookings are in 30 minute intervals and you can book up to 3 hours per day.
Please be on time--your reservation will be auto-cancelled if you are more than 15 minutes late. To avoid this, be sure to check in for your reservation using the link in your email (or by scanning the QR code in the room) and enter the 3 letter alpha-numeric code in the email. IF YOU DON'T CHECK IN, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR RESERVATION!
If you can't make your appointment, please be sure to cancel to free up space for others.
You will need a key to unlock the conference room door, which you can check out at the Circulation Desk.
Reservations can be made only on the "same day." Reservations can be made for the next day at 11:59pm.
Conference rooms are subject to availability and reservations may be modified at any time by Library staff, particularly if they are made in excess of stated policy limits.
During the Law School’s interview season, many of these rooms are reserved by Career Services and will be unavailable to students. At this time and other times of high demand, such as the reading and exam periods, the Circulation staff may also impose stricter time limits or other restrictions on room use.
Your Booking